I’ve decided to create this blog for a few reasons…

I am not my thoughts, so I’d like to peacefully release them from within.

I have beliefs and I like to voice them.

I enjoy writing. I’ve kept a physical journal from time to time, but it’s not quite as convenient as type. It’s also therapeutic for my OCD to have a uniform format and backspace as I please haha.

The internet can be a powerful tool to learn more about ourselves and each other, if we so choose. You may or may not understand everything that I write about, and that’s the point. As humans, we are one in the same, yet we are all so different. We experience life and the world in amazing and unique ways, and I’d like to share life from my perspective. We all have the ability to connect to one another because that’s our nature. If you are reading this, we are connecting, right now! It’s pretty incredible.

I will be writing about anything and everything, whatever I feel most compelled to write about. I may write quite personally at times, and my posts may be happy, depressing, and everything in between – after all, this blog is about humanity.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, and share!

Thanks for reading/following!